Relationship violence is not an adult-only problem anymore as, in the recent times, more and more teens are speaking up about being in an abusive relationship. From sexual harassment and assault to physical abuse, the types and extent of abusive teen relationships are similar to that of violence in adult relationships.

In most cases, children who grow up in violent homes or adopt the characteristics of their violent role models, become aggressive themselves. It becomes difficult for them to break out of the pattern without intervention and help from family or professionals. Simultaneously, violence and trauma inside the home destroys a child’s personal power, and increases their chances of being victimized by a violent partner.

So What Makes Up a Healthy Relationship?

A healthy relationship is the one in which partners completely respect each other. Both individuals give, receive, and compromise equally. They value each other and try to accept each other as they are without forcing them to change. They support and encourage each other in their goals and ambitions, and give them their space. They communicate openly and without any inhibitions or fear. They feel safe in each other’s presence and take decisions together.

Dragonfly Warriors.

Warning Signs & Red Flags

Jealousy, controlling behavior, quick involvement, unrealistic expectations and dependencies, isolation, blaming, hypersensitivity, cruelty to animals, ‘playful’ use of force during sex, abrupt mood changes, history of violence threats, breaking or throwing objects or “house battering”, and any force during an argument.

Danger Signals

  • Your partner is possessive, extremely jealous and calls to check up on you several times a day.
  • Your partner seems to lack their own interests and goals and is overly dependent on the relationship
  • Your partner insists on becoming more and more involved. They may even follow you around
  • Your partner discourages your outside interests and friendships, and attempts to isolate you from family and friends
  • Your partner decides what you will do, needing total authority and control
  • Your partner has poor communication skills and refuses, or is unable, to settle differences with words
  • Your partner’s violence increases with the use of alcohol and drugs